Saturday, May 27, 2006

I did not pick up the guitar until I was 35 years old and let me tell you learning something new is a lot easier when you are younger. I have since bought a Dean acoustic my 8 year old son, Hayden, and in less than 1 year he has passed me in ability. He is playing the heck out of the piano too. Sorry to ramble but I am a proud father of 3 who just loves to boast about my kids. I already have another Dean acoustic purchased and waiting for my 3 your od son, Micah. My 2 year old daughter, Emma is definitely going to be a singer like her Mom. Anyway back to me. My main problem is the lack of time to practice. I learn something new and by the time I practice again I have forgotten what I learned the last time. I just constantly feel that I am starting over. That is why I started seeking lessons online, so I don't have to worry about fitting private lessons into our schedule. I have requested that my wife give me your course for my birthday. Maybe then I'll be able to a grip on my beautiful Dean Exotic QSE before my 3 year old passes me as well. if you guys want to give me another guitar for birthday that would be a wonderful pairing to my wife's gift of your course. Wish me luck and time for practicing,Glenn SparksWylie, Texas

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